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среда, 24 августа 2011 г.

This article is entirely devoted to development of your unique style - as a primary point in seduction process. There are a lot of factors that influence your success in the pickup game - though strong positive first impression is essential. We accept people that are well dressed and nicely groomed as healthy and wealthy beings. Without even talking to a person we build the first impression basics that are really hard to change or erase. Your style is the definition of your social status - and by STYLE I don't just mean the way you look, but the way you behave, talk, stand, sit, walk...live... The most successful men and women don't have to approach anyone really - everyone on contrary , have a desire to talk to that shiny objects in the society simply because of the way they hold themselves, talk loud and clear, have a nice straight posture, smiling and enjoying every moment of their lives.
Dating and relationship plays a key role in every individual's life - someone might think money is the key to success , someone would like to have property in the Caribbean - but at some point of our lives , each and every one of us comes to the conclusion that without being effective in seduction, meet people you like or manage a perfect relationship with the One, life seems boring and fade.
Let's get closer to what we can do in practice. First of all, don't be afraid to spend. Style and sexuality are very liquid investments and will bring a good profit. You start thinking of yourself in a different manner - more confident, more self-oriented and strong. People pay more attention to you when they see you look different (in a good way), well- dressed, relaxed and laid-back person. Develop your style is not hard - it is just a matter of choice. I always recommend taking a good example from the movie character that you think possesses the most of the qualities you want to obtain. Put yourself into his shoes - what would he do in this particular situation, what will he say, how will he be dressed, how will he behave. And ask these questions to yourself. At some point the habit to behave in this role model will gently incorporate into your lifestyle and you will become the person you admire, respect and value - Good luck, experiment and try something New!

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